Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparision Between Rigid and Flexible Pavement - 7537 Words

Report on ENGINEERING COMPARISON BETWEEN FLEXIBLE AND RIGID PAVEMENT Submitted by . Md. Tahmidul Islam Farabi 06 02 03 031 4th Year 2nd Semester Department of Civil Engineering Ahsanullah University of Science Technology Pavement The road pavement is the actual surface on which the vehicles will travel. Its purpose is two fold, to provide friction for the vehicles and to transfer normal stresses to the underlying soils. Typically, pavements are built for three main purposes: 1. Load support: Pavement material is generally stiffer than the material upon which it is placed, thus it assists the in situ material in resisting loads without excessive deformation or cracking. 2. Smoothness: Pavement material can be placed and†¦show more content†¦ub grade is transferred to the upper layers |Deformation in the subgrade is not transferred to subsequent layers | |Design is based on load distributing characteristics of the |Design is based on flexural strength or slab action | |component layers |Have high flexural strength | |Have low flexural strength |No such phenomenon of grain to grain load transfer exists | |Load is transferred by grain to grain contact |Have low repairing cost but completion cost is high | |Have low completion cost but repairing cost is high |Life span is more as compare to flexible | |Have low life span |Surfacing can be directly laid on the sub grade | |Surfacing cannot be laid directly on the sub grade but a sub base|Thermal stresses are more vulnerable to be induced as the ability to | |is needed |contract and expand is very less in concrete | |No thermal stresses are induced as the pavement have the ability |Thats why expansion joints are needed | |to contract and expand freely |Strength of the road is less dependent on the strength of the

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