Saturday, May 16, 2020

Interpersonal Conflict Resolution And Mediation - 1869 Words

Interpersonal Conflict Resolution and Mediation Conflict is a problematic situation that occurs between interdependent people who seek different goals or means to those goals. Conflict is inevitable as relationships become closer, more personal, and more interdependent, more conflicts occur, perceived trivial or minor complaints become more significant, and feelings become more intense. Conflict has many definitions (opposing viewpoints, when opponents engage in battle, going against one another in some fashion, incompatibility between the objectives of two or more characters or forces) and approaches (avoiding, accommodating, competing, collaborating, compromising). Interpersonal conflict is the disagreement between two people in respect to values and attitudes that leads to resentment. Definitions tend to imply that conflict is not a beneficial behavior in which to engage. However, proactively addressing conflict via mediation has been known to restore peace, enhance relationships, and bring cohesiveness to an otherwise divided team. In the study of conflict, one soon realizes that the workplace is often the perfect setting for conflict to occur. According to Wilmot and Hocker (2001), when assessing even a seemingly small interpersonal conflict, one can benefit from a careful and objective assessment. In many situations involving conflict, one party often has a significant amount of power over the other, resulting in an advantageous situation for the stronger party. ThisShow MoreRelatedDispute Resolution : A Conflict Diagnosis Approach1690 Words   |  7 PagesDispute Resolutions Many people go to litigation for resolving disputes without knowing the alternatives that may possibly be more beneficial to them. 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